Robert Ekegren is the photo artist, who is currently exhibiting in So Foto gallery. If You have not met Robert during the VERNISSAGE of exhibition “Måleriska Fotografier”, You should not miss the FINNISAGE of the exhibition on the 2nd of October 13.00–18.00.
Some facts about Robert Ekegren. In 1982 Robert had started to work as a documentary photographer for smaller local newspapers and since then he didn’t stop carrying his camera around and took photos which made him as a full-time street photographer.
Once, he accidentally smashed his photo camera, without damaging it, into a tree and the shutter was activated. That is how Robert had accidentally taken a photo which looked like a painting. He was studying what had happened with his camera and so he became the photo artist.
“Fantasy is always persistent and is playful power who makes me forget about time and surrounding so I can focus on constant changes of the photo which is created by natural light and technique without stress” – tells Robert.
" I am attentive to the symbols and abstract signs which are recognisable. When photo is taken it is almost impossible to take the same or similar photo. It is not possible because of the quickly changing light." - he ads.
List of the exhibitions:
Photo art:
Galleri Fallera, Stockholm 2019
Galleri Erik Axl Sund, Stockholm 2017
Galleri Främja, Stockholm 2016
Galleri Stines kvarn, Valdemarsvik 2015
GK, Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm 2015
Tobbo Galleri, Stockholm 2015
Galleri Darling, Stockholm 2015
Documentary- and street-photography:
Fisksätra bibliotek, Nacka kommun 2014
Mosebacke Terrassen, Stockholm 1988
Fotograficentrum, Stockholm 1986
Skolverket, Stockholm 1986
Restaurang Tim 1986
Biograf Boston, Stockholm 1984
Welcome to the Finissage of the exhibition on the 2nd of October 13.00–18.00.
Photo: Robert Ekegren by Justina Rosengren