News — nature
art black and white color exhibition exhibition opening gallery nature nature photography photography so foto galleri travel photography

"He shoots from the hip" it was told about the photographer Mikael Kårelind. And yes, he does, but the ability to see, to capture that very moment is Kårelind's absolute strength. Now So Foto Galleri is showing a collection of black/white and color images ranging from travels in Asia, Europe, and the USA, to curious cows, cats and birds in his place in West Götaland. Animals and nature are obvious motifs, but the great passion is to photograph people in motion. Humorous and thought-provoking, populated images. Speed and fresh breeze are always permanent with great respect for those who are depicted....
CODE BLUE YELLOW by Justina Rosengren
art fine art photorgraphy gallery Justina Rosengren nature nature photography photo photo art photography stockholm travel photography urbanphotography

This is not the first time Justina Rosengren is exhibiting her work in our gallery. She is not just a photographer, but also one of the founders of the So Foto Galleri. Exactly on the 24th of February, when she was going to print her artwork for this exhibition which were mostly based on her earlier work in fashion and music branch it felt just wrong: in time, in sense…meaningless. Grown up in Lithuania, which was long under Russians power and then threat through the history, photographer just felt that her world is losing the colors. It was especially...
Nature & Future: Failure or Structure? By Tove Risberg
art exhibition fashion fine art photorgraphy gallery nature urbanphotography

Tove thoughts over 30 years… reflected in the exhibition... Nature & Future: Failure or Structure? She has been working as fashion and advertising photographer and later was educated as biodynamic gardener. We cannot continue like this, she says and wonders if nature will obey us or not. Will it be structure or failure because of constantly grown food, newly cultivated landmark, how do we get space on this planet, will it be place enough for people and all nature, all animals? All water bottles produced in crazy quantities just to make it easier for us to have a sip of water....